Christ manifests Himself as King in the triumphal entry in Jerusalem AFRIKAANS Christus openbaar Homself as Koning in die triomftog in Jerusalem

Ds W den Hollander (Kanada)
Lukas 19: 28-38
Preek Inhoud: 

Beloved congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ

     Good Friday and Easter are coming closer, brothers and sisters.  That’s when we focus on the gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection. Good Friday and Easter, however, did not happen just like that; there were events leading up to it. The OT already prophesied the events that would take place. The NT tells us about the preparations of the first Good Friday and Easter. In fact, the Lord Jesus Himself busied Himself with these preparations as well! That’s what we see in our text, which describes the preparations for the so-called triumphal entry in Jerusalem. This event was of the greatest significance. Just the fact already that all four accounts of the gospel report it underlines that fact. At this occasion the Lord Jesus manifested Himself as the King sent by God.

     This event of Christ’s triumphal entry is commonly commemorated on the Sunday before Easter. The general church calendar calls it Palm Sunday. That will be next Sunday to be exact. The name Palm Sunday is derived from the fact that the crowds were waving with the leaves of the palm trees at that occasion. (Jn. 12) Many a congregation today celebrates this occasion by organizing a procession that walks around through the church building, with the people waving their palm branches. At the occasion of Good Friday they often do the same with the ‘walk of the cross procession,’ in which they follow a cross bearer through the building or through the community. We don’t have this practice. We are the church with God’s Word to guide us in our celebration, to help us focus on these events. That’s’ what we do today at the triumphal entry. Then we see Him manifest Himself as King, to whom the people of Jerusalem sing their hosannas, the way people used to do when kings and rulers were welcomed. In Christ’s manifestation, however, we will see a major difference. That’s because He is on His way to show Himself the Passover Lamb to be sacrificed according to His priestly calling. That’s what He has to fulfil in order to obtain the eternal kingship! Hence, I proclaim the Word of God:

Christ manifests Himself as King in the triumphal entry in Jerusalem

  1. Its preparation;
  2. Its demonstration;
  3. Its acclamation.
  1. The preparation for the triumphal entry

     The Lord Jesus, brothers and sisters, was on His way from Jericho to Jerusalem. During the days before the Passover He would be lodging in the village of Bethany. From Bethany He would make several short trips to Jerusalem. After all, Jerusalem was His destination! That’s how the evangelist Luke reported it emphatically in 9:51, “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” Luke repeats that fact many a time, as he does in our text. The Lord Jesus, it seems, is on His way to Jerusalem all the time. At the time of our text, however, He is close. Yes, He is close to Jerusalem, but also close to the time that He will be lifted up, on the cross that is, and close to the time that He will be taken up to heaven! Soon He will be arrested and molested, physically and spiritually, but with the final destination in heaven: to receive royal glory and honour from the Father! We should read our text in that light, beloved, for that’s Luke’s conclusion ultimately! [Lk. 24:51]

     Something is going to happen! At first it did not seem all that important. The Lord Jesus called two of His disciples aside. He sends them to some unidentified little village to get Him a colt. They will find the colt tied up, together with the mother donkey, as Matthew adds. Luke only mentions the colt; for that’s the animal the Lord Jesus wants. If anyone has objections or asks questions, they should tell them, He says, “The Lord needs it.” The two disciples carry out their assignment. Meanwhile the Lord Jesus, His disciples, and the many pilgrims surrounding Him, waited. Things happen exactly the way the Lord had told His disciples. After a brief explanation and discussion with the owners, the disciples can take the colt along. A rather sober story so far; nothing exciting in it yet. Indeed, but then, it’s not a novel we have here but the Scriptures. Our theme does not speak of a narration but of Christ’s manifestation!

     Well, Christ, indeed, is manifesting Himself here, beloved! It’s striking already that He knows everything beforehand: the place, the people, and the procedure. Such knowledge is not common for plain people. Once again He shows that He is God! His divine nature supports Him in His task as Son of man. He had shown this many times before. There is more in these preparations, however, that draws our attention. Why the colt? Why this colt, from that unknown village? Why does He not get one from Bethany, and why does He not continue His journey on that road and get the animal Himself, since the village is located along this road anyway? Why all this extra fuss, this special attention? The Lord Jesus seems to be making His intentions very clear this way. That’s unusual for Him. So far He tried to prevent every special attention, every spectacle. True. Lately, however, He had changed His approach. Just before this occasion He had healed two blind men, who openly confessed Him as the Christ, the son of David, and He had not stopped them. It’s still fresh on the spectators’ minds. Yes, more events had contributed to the increasing expectations that something was going to happen.

     Indeed, beloved, something is going to happen. The Lord Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem. He wants to have people around Him. He wants witnesses who see His mighty deeds. He wants to manifest Himself as the Christ, as prophet, priest, and king, and this should not take place in a corner, in a back alley, but in the full exposure of the public eye! The leaders of the city may have decided to get rid of Him in secret, the Lord Jesus, however, was preparing Himself for His public sacrifice of atonement! As the Christ He had revealed Himself prophetically already. Of course, the prophetic task comes first. First comes the preaching! How will they believe in Him if He is not proclaimed? Faith is by hearing, hearing the Word of God, as our Catechism class has come to understand so well this past Tuesday. However, then He also must be manifested as priest and king! Christ is coming to Jerusalem now to manifest Himself as king, but then as king who will suffer and die for His people! His kingship is founded in His priestly task!

     In this perspective, brothers and sisters, the preparations take on special connotations. First He arouses the curiosity of the many hundreds of pilgrims by holding them up just outside of Bethany. Then He intensifies the expectations by requiring a colt, a special one, one no one ever rode. ‘Requiring a colt,’ I said: indeed, His assignment to His two disciples constitutes a royal requisition. He blends His royal dignity with priestly humility, though: “The Lord needs it.” Although He is a king, He has to borrow even a colt on which to make His triumphal entry! Meanwhile He ensures that also in the village where they get the colt the attention is drawn to the incident. He requires a colt, an undefiled animal. A king always requires new things! He’s preparing a royal entry in Jerusalem!

     This is to be the beginning, beloved, of His way to glory! Yet, what peculiar glory it is! He is on His way to the cross. He is paving the way to the altar! Indeed, for He is the servant-king, the son of David, the son of Adam, the king under God! He has come, not to do His own will, the way the 1st Adam did, but God’s will! It’s a royal entry alright, but what modesty and sobriety in His manifestation! Compare this entry with the ones of the Roman Emperors. You would feel embarrassed calling Him your King! Sure, but then, this king is a servant; He has emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave. This king is a priest as well!

  1. The demonstration in the triumphal entry

     Not only in the preparations does Christ manifest Himself as king, brothers and sisters, He demonstrated this even more in the actual entry. When the disciples return with the colt, they offer the animal to their master. They throw their cloaks on the colt. Others spread out their coats on the road; a king cannot sit on a bare back of an animal or ride on a bare road! That’s how the crowds direct their steps toward Jerusalem. When they’re near the Mt. of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples begins joyfully to praise God in loud voices! That’s fulfilment of the prophecy of Zechariah, “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” [9:9]

     So the Lord Jesus receives royal honour, brothers and sisters, when He approaches Jerusalem. Yet, then we must observe that He demonstrates His kingship first! He enters the gates of Jerusalem riding on a colt. May be that doesn’t mean too much to us; for the people surrounding Him, however, it means a lot. Even today a person in the eastern countries won’t enter a city gate riding on an animal! Only royal people can do so! That’s why Matthew reports that it’s due to the fact that the Lord Jesus enters the city in this manner, that the people are stirred and asked, “Who is this?” He must be a king! Indeed, ‘Behold your king!” As the prophet Zechariah prophesied, “See, your king comes to you, riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Therefore, “rejoice, O Daughter of Zion,” for here is your king, the son of David, entering the city of David!

     You see, beloved, that too is demonstrated in His manner of entry. The fact that He rides on a donkey underlines the tradition in the house of David. Indeed, this was the characteristic difference between David’s house and all other royal houses in the world. It was a difference the Law of God had established. The King’s Law of Deut. 17 determined this difference! That’s because Israel’s kingdom had to be different. In his blessing to Judah, Jacob already had expressed this: “He will tether his donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch.” [Gen. 49:11] The Lord Jesus confirmed this when He said, “My kingdom is not of this earth.” In the King’s Law the LORD had instructed the kings of Israel that they should not multiply horses. When Solomon introduced horses and chariots, it was the beginning of the end! Kings on horses belonged in Egypt, signifying the world; the king Jesus Christ, however, does not come to make friendship with the world, for the Father had established enmity with the world. He demonstrates Himself, therefore, as king according to the Law of Moses. [Deut. 17] That’s not just a matter of tradition, but a demonstration of obedience to God’s Word! It’s not only a kingly attitude in the line of David; it’s the royal style of God!

     Well, beloved, a king who submits with such great obedience to the Law of God, such a king must be different all around. Kings on horses are kings going out for war. Kings like that would approach and enter a city surrounded by soldiers on battle horses and chariots. A king, however, who is coming on the foal of a donkey, must be a king coming with peace. He will be a king who is able to “reign with judgments true and sure, to all His people right ordaining and justice to the poor.” You see, thus He demonstrates, ‘I am not a revolutionary, and my kingdom will not be established with violence.’ Today, Jesus is chartered for the ideas of the revolution: everything has to change; all things must be turned upside down. Such use of the Lord Jesus in the theology of the revolution is as much in line with the truth of the Scripture as Hitler’s custom was to insert a pious statement in his bragging speeches in order to get the religious people on his side.

     No, beloved, we learn from the Scriptures that the Christ demonstrates His kingship in the humbleness and simplicity of the Prince of Peace riding on a donkey! The Prince of Peace does not exalt himself above his people, ruling it over them, but he is coming among His people, standing beside them. He is one of them! As one of them He demonstrates in His kingship an example to His subjects, for with them He knows Himself one under God! That’s how He still demonstrates Himself today, in the preaching of the gospel. He rules with the truth, by His Spirit and Word! He binds Himself in all things to the Law of God. That’s how you recognize what’s from His kingdom, and what’s not! That’s how His kingdom remains, yes abides forever! The kingdoms of the world are coming and going. The empires of Alexander, Augustus, Napoleon, and Hitler were established by power and violence, but they have disappeared. The Lord Jesus, however, is a king whose kingdom will not end! He received His kingship from the Father, who gave Him all power and authority in heaven and on earth!

     He is coming to us this morning, beloved, as the Prince of Peace, who made a covenant of peace with us. He gave an example of submission to God’s will and He demands His followers to do the same. As servant king He makes us His subjects to be servants of God again. How is that? Is that all too simple and humble for you? Would you have expected more spectacular things? What about you, boys and girls, young people, is the service of God not pretentious enough to you, too simple and sober? Do you prefer the exciting actions of the world, the noise, thrills, and glamour of the stadiums? Note well, though, here in Zion, in the city of God where you live your life, where you receive life and death, marriage and birth, joy and sadness, prosperity and adversity, in this city your king is humble. Yet, in that way He is strong, showing His power! For His power is in the Word, and His justice, His salvation! What do you do with this demonstration? Do you rejoice, jubilate? About the sermons, the home visits, your Catechism classes, your societies? When He returns will He find the faith in Pretoria, will He find you rejoicing in His Word? With open Bibles and with gratitude for His Word? Let’s not be presumptuous about that, though, for this jubilation and loyalty can change, you know, sometimes it changes from one week to the next. The one moment people exclaim ‘hosanna’ while the next week they cry ‘crucify Him!’ That’s what the people there in Jerusalem were like! Have people changed? Are we any different? How easily do we not see positivism change to negativism, support into opposition, charity to hostility, heartfelt kindness to haughty coldness?

     Remember, beloved, how the Christ came to fulfil the prophecies and to keep the Law in order to be our high priest. He restored us in our royal position before God, and He obtained forgiveness when we fall short in that calling. Especially when you’re young it’s difficult to submit to this king totally. This king, however, does not only reign with His Word but also by His Spirit! By this Spirit He works in us with powers greater than the destructive forces, which this world and our flesh are imposing on us. Through the powers of His Spirit you will be able to submit yourself to Him alone with all that you have: all your powers of the mind, all the intentions of the will, all the strength in your body, in your struggles with sin. By this Spirit you’ll be able to glorify your King, acclaim His holy Name, for you all know Him in the true knowledge of love. For this acclamation of the King must come: in Jerusalem it came from people misunderstanding His kingship, nevertheless contributing to Christ’s purposes at that moment, but your acclamation today may be based on the full revelation of Christ’s total redemption!

  1. The acclamation at the triumphal entry

     We don’t know who started it, brothers and sisters, but when they had come at the descent of the Mt. of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen. Do you hear how Luke puts it, beloved? The entire demonstration brings to mind all the miracles they had seen! Is He the Christ they had thought when they saw Him heal the sick, multiply the bread and the fish, raise the dead? Just a few days ago He had raised Lazarus from the dead! Is He the Christ, who demands a Zacheus to provide lodging, or who opens the eyes of the blind? They know Him and they had admired Him, and now all their experiences seem to fall into place! Up swells the shout of praise, which echoes the angel’s song at Bethlehem: “Blessed is the King who comes in the Name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

     Do they really understand the moment that well, brothers and sisters? “Peace in heaven!” Do they truly fathom the depth of the truth in their words? Do they believe that He is on His way to establish peace with God by making atonement for them? No, they don’t. They begin their song with a part of the Passover song, the ‘Hallel.’ This ‘Hallel’ was a song of hope and glory, a song of liberation from oppression. It reminded the Israelites of the exodus from Egypt and awakened in them the anticipation of a greater liberation. However, the Christ whom they expected was a Messiah who would set them free from Roman oppression. Therefore the peace in heaven of which they sing is the peace according to Ps 85. That’s a peace, which they experience when the end of oppression indicates the end of God’s anger over His people. No, their ‘hosanna’s are not the hosannas of the prayers of the righteous, saying, “Save us, O LORD, we pray.” How do we know? Well, hear what the Lord Jesus says about it in verse 42, “If you had even known on this day what would bring you peace.” Sure, they may acclaim Him as their king. Yes, He forces the acclamation from their lips, because He wants to manifest Himself as King. Yet, as He adds in verse 42 as well, “But now it is hidden from your eyes!”

     And what about you, beloved? Do you know what will bring you peace? Well, hear God’s Word as revealed by the apostle Paul in Col. 1:19, “For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him [Christ] and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” By the cross only it is possible that the song of the angels in Bethlehem ‘peace on earth’ and the acclamation of the multitude at the triumphal entry ‘peace in heaven’ will blend into the one song, “Glory to God in the highest.” For on the cross Christ the King is revealed to you: He is our peace!



Geliefde gemeente van ons HERE Jesus Christus

Goeie Vrydag kom al hoe nader, broeders en susters.  Dit is wanneer ons fokus op die evangelie van Christus se dood en opstanding.  Goeie Vrydag en Paasfees het egter nie net so gebeur nie – daar is baie gebeure wat hierdie tyd voorafgegaan het.  Die OT het reeds geprofeteer dat hierdie gebeure sou plaasvind.  Die NT vertel ons van die voorbereidings vir die eerste Goeie Vrydag en Paasfees.  Selfs die HERE Jesus self het ook Hom besig gehou met hierdie voorbereidings!  Dit is wat ons in ons teks, wat die voorbereidings vir die triomftog in Jerusalem beskryf, raaklees.  Hierdie gebeurtenis was van groot belang.  Net die blote feit dat al vier ons evangelies daaroor skryf, beklemtoon hierdie belangrikheid.  By hierdie geleentheid het die HERE Jesus Homself as die Koning wat deur God gestuur is, geopenbaar.

Hierdie gebeurtenis van Christus se triomftog, word oor die algemeen die Sondag voor Paassondag gevier.  Die algemene kerkkalender noem dit Palm-Sondag.  Om presies te wees, sal dit komende Sondag wees.  Die naam Palm-Sondag, is afgelei van die feit dat die skare palmtakke geswaai het op hierdie geleentheid. (Joh 12).  Baie kerke vier hierdie geleentheid deur ‘n optog te reël waartydens mense met palmtakke al swaaiende om die kerkgebou loop.  By die geleentheid van Goeie Vrydag doen hulle gewoontlik dan dieselfde met die “stap van die kruisoptog” waartydens hulle ‘n kruisdraer deur die gebou of gemeenskap volg.  Ons het nie hierdie gebruik nie.  Ons is die kerk met die Woord van God om ons in hierdie feesvieringe te begelei, om ons te help om op hierdie gebeure te fokus.  Dit is wat ons vandag gaan doen met die triomftog.  Dan sien ons hoe Hy Homself as Koning openbaar, waarna die skare met hosannas antwoord, soos die gebruik was wanneer konings en heersers verwelkom is.  in Christus se openbaring sal ons egter ‘n groot verskil sien.  Dit is omdat Hy op pad is om Homself as die Paaslam af te beeld wat geoffer gaan word soos wat sy priesterlike roeping dit van Hom vereis.  Dit is wat Hy moet volbring ten einde die ewige koningskap te verkry.  Daarom verkondig ek die Woord van God aan u soos volg:


Christus openbaar Homself as Koning in die triomftog in Jerusalem

  1. Die voorbereiding
  2. Die uitbeelding
  3. Die lofverheffing


  1. Die voorbereiding vir die triomftog

    Die HERE Jesus, broeders en susters, was op pad van Jerigo na Jerusalem.  Gedurende die dae voor die Paasfees sou Hy in die dorpie Betanië gebly het.  Vanaf Betanië sou Hy verskeie kort reise na Jerusalem aflê.  Jerusalem was immers sy bestemming!  Dit is hoe die evangelis Lukas dit empatiek in hoofstuk 9:51  beskryf het: “En toe die dae van sy opneming nader kom, het Hy sy aangesig gerig om na Jerusalem te reis…”  Lukas herhaal hierdie feit telke male, soos wat hy dit ook in ons teks doen.  Dit blyk dat die HERE Jesus altyd op pad is na Jerusalem.  Ten tye van ons teks is Hy egter naby.  Ja, Hy is naby Jerusalem, maar ook na aan die tyd wanneer Hy opgeneem sal word, aan die kruis, en ook na aan die tyd dat Hy opgeneem sal word in heerlikheid, in die hemel!  Binnekort sal hy gearresteer en aangeval word, fisiek en geestelik, maar met die finale bestemming in die hemel: om koninklike heerlikheid en eer van die Vader te ontvang!  Ons moet ons teks in daardie lig aanskou, geliefdes, want dit is uiteindelik Lukas se gevolgtrekking (Luk 24:51).

    Iets gaan gebeur!  Eers het dit nie so belangrik gelyk nie.  Die HERE Jesus het twee van sy dissipels eenkant geroep.  Hy stuur hulle na ‘n ongeïdentifiseerde dorpie om vir Hom ‘n eselvul te kry.  Hulle sal die eselvul vasgebind vind met die moeder-donkie, soos Mattheus byvoeg.  Lukas noem slegs die esevul, aangesien dit is wat Jesus wil hê.  As enige iemand protesteer of vrae vra, moet hulle sê dat die HERE dit nodig het.  Die twee dissipels voer die opdrag uit.  Intussen wag die HERE Jesus, sy dissipels en die pelgrimskare.  Dinge gebeur presies soos wat die HERE vir sy dissipels gesê het.  Na ‘n kort verduideliking en bespreking met die eienaars, mag die dissipels die eselvul saamneem.  Dis maar ‘n eenvoudige storie tot dusvêr; niks opwindends nie.  Inderdaad, maar dit is nie ‘n roman waarmee ons besig is nie – dit is die Woord van God.  Ons tema praat nie van ‘n vertelling nie, maar van Christus se openbaring!

    Wel, Christus is inderdaad hier besig om Homself te openbaar, geliefdes!  Dit is reeds indrukwekkend dat Hy alles wat tot nou toe gebeur het, vooraf voorspel het; die plek, die mense en die prosedure.  Sulke kennis is nie alledaags vir gewone mense nie.  Weereens wys Hy dat Hy God is!  Sy goddelike natuur ondersteun Hom in sy taak as Seun van die mens.  Hy het dit telkemale voorheen gewys.  Daar is egter meer agter hierdie voorbereidings wat ons aandag trek.  Waarom die eselvul?  Waarom hierdie eselvul van hierdie onbekende dorpie?  Hoekom kry Hy nie een van Betanië nie en waarom gaan Hy nie self voort op die reis en kry self die dier nie, aangesien die dorpie reg op sy pad lê in elk geval?  Waarom al hierdie ekstra bohaai, hierdie spesiale aandag?  Die HERE Jesus blyk sy bedoeling hierin baie duidelik te maak op hierdie wyse.  Dit is ongewoon vir Hom.  Tot nou toe het Hy probeer om spesiale aandag en elke spesiale skouspel te ontduik.  Maar in die afgelope tyd het hy egter sy benadering verander.  Net voor die geleentheid het hy twee blinde mans genees wat Hom openlik as die Christus, die seun van Dawid bely het en Hy het hulle nie gekeer nie.  Dit is nog vars in die geheue van die aanskouers daarvan.  Ja, meer gebeure het bygedra tot die toenemende verwagting dat iets aan die kom was.

    Inderdaad, geliefdes, iets sou gebeur.  Die HERE Jesus is op pad na Jerusalem.  Hy wil mense om Hom hê.  Hy wil getuies hê wat sy magtige dade kan aanskou.  Hy wil Homself as Christus, as profeet, as priester en as koning openbaar en dit moet nie in ‘n hoekie of in ‘n agterstraat gebeur nie, maar in die volle blootstelling van die publieke oog!  Die leiers van die stad het dalk besluit om in die geheim van Hom ontslae te raak, maar die HERE Jesus was egter besig om Homself voor te berei vir sy publieke offer van versoening!  As Christus het hy Homself reeds profeties openbaar.  Natuurlik kom die profetiese taak eerste.  Eers kom die woordverkondiging!  Hoe sal hulle in Hom kan glo as Hy nie eers verkondig word nie?  Geloof is deur die gehoor, die aanhoor van die Woord van God, soos wat ons Kategismusklas dit die afgelope week so goed geleer het.  Dan moet Hy egter ook as priester en as koning geopenbaar word!  Christus is op pad na Jerusalem om nou Homself as Koning te openbaar, maar dan as koning wat sal ly en sterf vir sy mense!  Sy koningskap is gegrondves in sy priesterlike taak!

    Uit hierdie perspektief, broeders en susters, neem die voorbereidings ‘n heel spesiale konnotasie aan.  Eerstens wek hy nuuskierigheid by die honderde pelgrims deur hulle terug te hou net buite Betanië.  Dan verdiep Hy die nuuskierigheid deur ‘n eselvul te eis, ‘n spesiale een, een waarop niemand nog voorheen gery het nie.  “‘n Eselvul te eis” het ek gesê; inderdaad; sy opdrag aan sy dissipels bevat ‘n koninklike vereiste.  Hy vermeng sy koninklike waardigheid met sy priesterlike nederigheid, en steeds: “Die HERE het dit nodig”.  Alhoewel Hy ‘n koning is, moet hy selfs ‘n eselvul leen om sy triomftog moontlik te maak!  Intussen maak Hy seker dat die dorpie waar Hy die eselvul vandaan leen ook hul aandag vestig op die gebeure wat aan die kom is.  Hy benodig ‘n eselvul, ‘n onbesmette dier.  ‘n Koning benodig altyd nuwe dinge!  Hy is besig om ‘n koninklike ingang in Jerusalem te beplan!

    Dit sal die begin wees, geliefdes, van sy pad na heerlikheid!  Tog is dit ‘n eienaardige heerlikheid!  Hy is op pad na die kruis.  Hy berei die weg na die altaar!  Inderdaad, aangesien Hy die dienskneg-koning is, die seun van Dawid, die seun van Adam, die koning onder God!

    Hy het gekom nie om sy eie wil te doen soos die eerste Adam nie, maar God se wil!  Dit is inderdaad ‘n koninklike ingang, maar kyk maar in watter beskeidenheid en ingetoënheid sy openbaring plaasvind!  Vergelyk dit met die ingang van die Romeinse heersers.  Jy sal skaam wees om Hom jou Koning te noem!  Sekerlik ja, maar hierdie koning is ook ‘n dienskneg; Hy het Homself eenkant gestoot en die vorm van ‘n slaaf aangeneem.  Hierdie koning is ook ‘n priester!


  2. Die uitbeelding in die triomftog

    Christus openbaar Homself nie slegs in die voorbereiding as Koning nie, broeders en susters, Hy beeld dit selfs meer uit in die intog self.  Wanneer die dissipels met die eselvul terugkeer, bied hulle die eselvul aan hul Meester.  Hulle gooi hul klere oor die esel.  Ander werp hul klere op die grond voor Jesus neer; ‘n koning kan immers nie sonder bedekking op die esel ry of op die pad gaan nie!  Dit is hoe die skare hul staptog na Jerusalem rig.  Wanneer hulle die die Olyfberg nader, begin die skare dissipels uitbundig God te prys in harde stemme!  Dit is die vervulling van die profesie van Sagaria: “Verheug jou grootliks, o dogter van Sion!  Juig, o dogter van Jerusalem!  Kyk, jou Koning kom na jou; regverdig en ‘n oorwinnaar is Hy; nederig en Hy ry op ‘n esel – op ‘n jong esel, die vul van ‘n eselin” (Sag 9:9).

    So die HERE Jesus ontvang koninklike eer, broeders en susters, wanneer Hy Jerusalem nader.  Tog moet ons dan observeer hoe Hy eerstens sy koningskap uitbeeld.  Hy kom die poorte van Jerusalem binne op die rug van ‘n esel.  Miskien beteken dit vir ons nie soveel nie; vir die mense om Hom beteken dit egter baie.  Selfs vandag sal ‘n persoon in die Oosterse lande nooit gesien word die poorte van ‘n stad binnegaan op die rug van ‘n dier nie!  Slegs koninklike mense mag so iets doen!  Dit is waaroom Mattheus skryf dat die mense in beweging gebring is en begin vra het wie hierdie Man is – dit moet ‘n Koning wees!  Soos wat die profeet Sagaria geprofeteer het: “Kyk, jou Koning kom na jou; regverdig en ‘n oorwinnaar is Hy; nederig en Hy ry op ‘n esel – op ‘n jong esel, die vul van ‘n eselin.”  Daarom moet jy jou verheug, dogters van Sion, want hier is jou Koning, die Seun van Dawid, wat die stad van Dawid binnegaan!

    Sien u, geliefde, dat dit ook uitgebeeld word in die manier waarop Jesus Jerusalem ingaan.  Die feit dat Hy op ‘n donkie ry, benadruk die tradisie in die huis van Dawid.  Dit was inderdaad die kenmerkende verskil tussen Dawid se huis en alle ander koninklike huise in die wêreld.  Dit was ‘n verskil wat deur die wet van God vasgestel is.  Die wet van die koning uit Deut. 17 het hierdie verskil bepaal.  Dit is omdat die koninkryk van Israel anders moes wees.  In sy seën aan Juda, het Jakob reeds gesê: “Hy maak sy jong esel vas aan die wingerdstok en die vul van sy eselin aan die edelste wynstok…” (Gen 49:11).  Die HERE het dit bevestig toe Hy gesê het: “My koninkryk is nie van hierdie wêreld nie…” (Joh 18:36).  In die wette vir konings, het die HERE Israel beveel om nie perde te vermeerder nie.  Toe Salomo perde en strydwaens invoer, was dit die begin van die einde!  Konings op perde was iets eie aan Egipte, wat die wêreldse voorgestel het; die koning Jesus Christus vorm egter nie vriendskappe met die wêreld nie, want die Vader het vyandskap met hierdie wêreld vasgestel.  Hy openbaar Homself daarom aan die hand van die wette van Moses (Deut 17).  Dit is nie slegs ‘n geval van tradisie nie, maar ‘n uitbeelding van gehoorsaamheid aan God se Woord.  Dit is nie net ‘n koninklike houding ten opsigte van die Dawidshuis nie, maar dit is die koninklike styl van God!

    Wel, geliefdes, ‘n koning wat met hierdie grootse gehoorsaamheid Homself so onderwerp aan die wet van God moet totaal en anders wees.  Konings op perde is konings wat op pad is na die oorlogsveld.  Hierdie soort konings sal ‘n stad wat omring is deur soldate op strydperde en –waens benader en binnegaan.  ‘n Koning wat egter op ‘n eselvul aankom, moet ‘n koning wees wat in vrede kom.  Hy sal ‘n koning wees wat in staat is daartoe om met geregtigheid waar en seker te regeer sodat daar geregtigheid vir God se volk sal geskied.  Sien u, dit is wat Hy uitbeeld ‘Ek is nie rewolusionêr nie en my koninkryk sal nie deur geweld gevestig word nie’.  Vandag word Jesus dikwels gebruik as die een wat idees van rewolusie ingestel het om alles te verander; alles moet onderstebo gekeer word.  Hierdie tipe gebruik van die HERE Jesus in die teologie van rewolusie is net so in lyn met die Skrif soos wat Hitler se gebruik van vroom uitsprake in sy toesprake om godsdienstige mense aan sy kant te kry.

    Nee, geliefdes, ons leer van die Skrif dat Christus sy koningskap uitbeeld met die nederigheid en eenvoudigheid van die Prins van Vrede wat op ‘n donkie ry.  Die Prins van Vrede verhef Homself nie bo sy mense nie, maar Hy kom staan tussen sy mense, langs hulle.  Hy is een van hulle!  As een van hulle beeld Hy in sy koningkskap ‘n voorbeeld uit aan sy onderdane, omdat Hy weet dat Hy ook onder bevel van God staan!  Dit is hoe Hy Homself vandag steeds openbaar, deur die prediking van die evangelie. Hy heers met waarheid, deur sy Gees en Woord!  Hy verbind Homself in alle dinge aan die Wet van God.  Dit is hoe jy kan uitken wat van sy Koninkryk kom en wat nie.  Dit is hoe sy koninkryk blywend is vir ewig!  Die koninkryke van die wêreld kom en gaan.  Die ryke van Alexander, Augustus, Napoleon en Hitler is almal gevestig deur krag en geweld, maar hulle het almal verdwyn.  Die HERE Jesus is egter ‘n koning wat se koningskap nooit sal eindig nie!  Hy het sy koningskap van die Vader gekry, wat Hom alle mag en gesag in hemel en op aarde gegee het!

    Hy kom vanoggend na ons, geliefdes, as die Prins van Vrede, wat ‘n verbond van vrede met ons gevestig het.  Hy het ‘n voorbeeld gegee van onderdanigheid aan God se wil en Hy vereis van sy volgelinge om dieselfde te doen.  As dienskneg-koning maak Hy ons as onderdane ook weer diensknegte van God.  Hoe so?  Is dit alles te eenvoudig en vernederend vir jou?  Het jy meer skouspelagtige dinge verwag?  Wat van julle, seuns en dogters, jong mense, is die diens van God nie uitbundig genoeg vir julle nie?  Te eenvoudig en vervelig?  Verkies julle die opwindende aksie van die wêreld, die geraas, die opwinding en die skoonheid?  Neem wel kennis dat hier in Sion, in die stad van God waarin jy jou lewe leef, waar jy lewe en dood ontvang, huwelik en geboortes, geluk en hartseer, voorspoed en teenspoed, in hierdie stad is jou koning nederig.  Maar op daardie manier is Hy sterk, wys Hy sy krag!  Want sy krag is in die Woord, en sy geregtigheid, sy verlossing!  Wat doen jy met hierdie openbaring?  Verheug jy jou, juig jy?  Oor die eeredienste, die huisbesoeke, jou katkisasieklasse, jou komitees/kommissies?  Wanneer Hy terugkom, sal Hy die geloof in Pretoria vind, sal Hy jou vind besig om jouself in sy Woord te verheug?  Laat ons eerlik wees daaroor, want hierdie vreugde en lojaliteit kan verander, soms verander dit selfs van week tot week.  Die een oomblik roep mense “hosanna” uit en die volgende week skree hulle “kruisig Hom”!  Dit is hoe die mense daar in Jerusalem was.  Het mense verander?  Is ons enigsins anders?  Hoe dikwels sien ons nie optimisme verander in pessimise nie, ondersteuning in opposisie, liefdadigheid in vyandigheid, hartlike vriendelikheid in hoogmoedige haat?

    Onthou, geliefdes, hoe die Christus gekom het en die profesië vervul het en die Wet onderhou het om sodoende ons Hoërpriester te kan wees.  Hy het ons in ons koninklike posisie voor God herstel en Hy het vergifnis vir ons verkry wanneer ons tekort skiet.  Veral wanneer jy jonk is, is dit moeilik om jouself totaal en al aan hierdie koning te onderwerp.  Hierdie Koning regeer nie slegs deur sy Woord nie, maar ook deur sy Gees!  Deur hierdie Gees bewerk Hy groter kragte in ons as die kragte van die bose wat hierdie wêreld en ons eie vlees ons oplê.  Deur die krag van sy Gees sal jy in staat wees om jouself totaal en al aan Hom alleen te onderwerp met alles wat jy is en het: al die kragte van jou verstand, al die intensies van jou wil, alle krag in jou liggaam, in jou stryd met die sonde.  Deur hierdie Gees sal jy in staat wees om jou Koning groot te maak, sy Naam te loof, want julle elkeen ken Hom in die ware kennis van liefde.  Want die lofverheffing van die Koning moet kom: in Jerusalem het dit gekom van mense wat sy koningskap misverstaan het, maar steeds Christus se doel in daardie oomblik gedien het, maar jou lofverheffing vandag mag basseer wees op die volle openbaring van Christus se totale verlossing!




  3. Die lofverheffing by die triomftog

    Ons weet nie wie dit begin het nie, broeders en susters, maar toe hulle by die afdraende van die Olyfberg kom, het die hele skare dissipels begin om hul te verheug en God te loof in harde stemme vir al die wonderwerke wat hulle aanskou het.  Hoor u hoe Lukas dit stel, geliefdes?  Die hele uitbeelding bring die herinneringe van die wonderwerke wat hulle aanskou het, terug!  Is Hy die Christus wat hulle gedink het hulle gesien het toe Hy die siekes genees het, die brood en vis vermenigvuldig het, die dooies opgewek het?  Net ‘n paar dae gelede het Hy Lasarus uit die dood opgewek!  Is Hy die Christus wat van Sageus blyplek vra, of wat die oë van die blindes open?  Hulle ken Hom en hulle bewonder Hom, en nou blyk dit dat al hul ervaringe in plek val!  Die lofverheffing neem toe, wat die engel van Betlehem naboots: “Geseënd is die Koning wat kom in die Naam van die HEER!  Vrede in die hemel en glorie in die hoogste!”

    Verstaan hulle werklik daardie oomblik, broeders en susters?  “Vrede in die hemel!”  Begryp hulle werklik die diepte van die waarheid in hul woorde?  Glo hulle dat Hy op pad is om vrede met God te bewerkstellig deur versoening vir hulle te maak?  Nee, hulle doen nie.  Hulle begin hul lied met ‘n deel van die Paasllied, die Hallel.  Hierdie Hallel was ‘n lied van hoop en glorie, ‘n lied van vrymaking van onderdrukking.  Dit het die Israeliete herinner aan die eksodus uit Egipte en het die verwagting van nog groter vrymaking by hulle ontwaak.  Die Christus wat hulle egter verwag het, was ‘n Messias wat hulle sou vrymaak van Romeinse onderdrukking.  Daarom is die vrede in die hemel waarvan hulle sing, die vrede volgens Ps 85.  Dit is ‘n vrede wat hulle ervaar wanneer die einde van verdrukking die einde van God se woede oor sy kinders aandui.  Nee, hulle hosannas is nie die hosannas van die gebede van regverdiges wat uitroep: “Red ons, O HEER, bid ons”.  Hoe weet ons dit?  Wel, hoor wat sê die HERE Jesus oor dit in vers 42:  “As jy tog maar geweet het, ja, ook in hierdie dag van jou, die dinge wat tot jou vrede dien!”  Ja, hulle is sekerlik besig om Hom as hul Koning toe te eien.  Ja, Hy forseer die lofverheffing van hul lippe, want Hy wil Homself as Koning openbaar.  Tog, soos wat Hy ook in vers 42 byvoeg: “Maar nou is dit vir jou oë bedek”!

    En wat van jou, geliefde?  Weet jy wat vir jou vrede sal bring?  Wel, hoor God se Woord soos wat dit deur die apostel Paulus in Kolossense 1:19 aan die lig gebring word: “Want dit het die Vader behaag dat in Hom die ganse volheid sou woon en dat Hy deur Hom alles met Homself sou versoen nadat Hy vrede gemaak het deur die bloed van sy kruis…”.  Deur die kruis alleen is dit moontlik dat die lied van die engele in Betlehem “vrede op aarde” en die lofverheffing van die skare by die intog in Jerusalem “vrede in die hemel”, saam sal smelt in een lied: “Ere aan God in die hoogste”.  Want aan die kruis word Christus as Koning aan jou geopenbaar:  Hy is ons vrede!  Amen!


Votum en Seengroet

Sing: Ps. 146: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8


Sing: Ps. 85: 2, 3

Gebed 1

Skriflesing: Lk. 19: 28-44

Sing: Ps. 72: 1, 4

Teks: Lk. 19: 28-38

Preek: Christ manifests Himself as King in the triumphal entry in Jerusalem

  1. Its preparation;
  2. Its demonstration;
  3. Its acclamation.

    Tydens die preek (indien so verkies)

    Na die preek: Sing: Ps. 72: 7, 8, 11

    Gebed 2: Voorbede en danksegging


    Slotsang: Ps. SB 29: 1, 7, 8, 9

    Ontvang die seengroet